Linda's Travels

Thailand - King's Palace
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There is not a lot I can say about the King's Palace in Bangkok, these photo's speak for themselves.  The current King of Thailand King Rama IX does not reside here.  The Palace grounds and its buildings are now used for monk ordinations and official ceremonials only. The last King to reside here was King Rama V [which if you remember the movie "The King and I" was the King's eldest son].  You are free to rome the buildings and wander around at your own pleasure and of course to take many photo's, but you are not allowed to take a camera in the building where the Emerald Buddha is housed,  [my photo of the Emerald Buddha was taken through a window with a telephoto lens attached].  The buildings are breathtaking inside and out, and you also get to view the King's Throne which I found very interesting as there is a higher throne for the emerald buddha, as the buddha is always above the King.  You must have your legs covered before entry, shorts or skirts are not allowed out of respect.





The Emerald Buddha





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